Wednesday, February 24, 2010

And so encourage...

"Therefore encourage one another and build eachother up, just as in fact you are doing."

1 Thessalonians 5:11

There are countless times in the Bible where we are called to encourage one another. I believe one of the main reasons God gave us the Word is to that we might be encouraged by it, and spurred on to live out our faith. We can choose to use OUR words to lift others' hearts too.

I have watched many adoptive families on their journeys to bring their children home. And it is exhausting. I have talked with the couple who run the orphanage in Guatemala. And it is exhausting. I have watched the orphanage workers tirelessly take care of children. Every week. Day and night. And it is exhausting. We all, whether or not we're in the adoption journey, grow weak and weary of this race. Why else would Paul talk so much about persevering? He got tired in his ministry, discouraged by the lack of passion.

And so for the remainder of February, and into March, I'm challenging myself to write 2 letters of encouragement to people who are involved in orphan/adoption ministry.

Here are some ideas:

- A family who is in the adoption process currently

- A foster care family.

- A family who has already adopted (either recently or not). You can tell them about how much you've enjoyed watching their family grow and seeing them live out their faith.

- Anyone who works for DCSF or an adoption agency. This is a tiring job that doesn't always have great outcomes.

- Anyone who has an orphan care ministry.

- The director of the orphan program (if you have one) at your church.

These are just some ideas!!

Leave me a comment and tell me who you decided to write to!
Happy encouraging! :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

It's been awhile....'s been awhile! And I probably wouldn't be back had it not been for college essays and a sweet comment on my personal blog from one of my readers a few weeks ago. (you know who you are!) :)

I really didn't think all of these college essays would change or grow me. But they certainly have. These questions they ask really force you to look at yourself, your life, your faith, and your experiences. I wrote 2 essays this afternoon that really made me think.

The first one was actually just a 2-page essay on any topic you want. I love those essays! :) I always write about Guatemala, orphans, or adoption because those are the things i write passionately about. So as I was editing a paper I'd previously written on this very topic, I noticed I'd talked about this blog in one of the paragraphs. And it made me sad I haven't touched this blog in a long time.

The second one was about servant and leadership development. I wrote about how Christ is/was the perfect leader. He led here on the earth without fault. And the greatest component of His leadership and ministry was not that He distributed tasks, trained people well, was a great public speaker, or anything like that (though He was all of those things). The key part of His ministry was servanthood. He served with love, expecting nothing in return. So I began to often do I do that? And let me tell you, it's not very much. Even my most humble efforts somehow get twisted by my own selfish desires and pride. I'm so darn self-righteous and it gets the best of me everytime. So what has this to do with blogging? the title states, It's been awhile since I've written on here. And while I'd like to tell myself I don't know why, I really do. And it's mainly my own selfishness. Nothing in my heart has changed, I'm still as broken and burdened for the orphans as ever. I'm consuming post after post about different ministries on other blogs, loving every word of people actively serving the fatherless. I still love blogging, just as much as I did before (though time has really affected my ability to just sit down and blog whenever I want). But I think I just got discouraged. I knew I really didnt have that many people reading and I felt like I was running out of ideas (how absurd is that?! there's so many things we can do!). And I didn't feel like I was really making a difference.

But then I wrote about servant leadership. I wrote about how important it is to start small as God develops your heart and mind for serving and leading. I thought about how imperative it is to NOT focus on numbers. It doesn't matter how many followers you are leading. All that matters is that the heart, speech, attitude, and behavior are glorifying God. If others see even a second of it and see Christ, then my task has been completed. Anything above that, any impact I make is merely from God. So all I am called to do is live my life right here. To be a Godly daughter, a kind sister, a supportive friend, a hard-working student, a wise college applicant, and a faithful blogger who will write about God's call to the orphans. And if anyone wants to join me they may- but if not- it is STILL for God's glory.

I applaud anyone who made it through my rambling! And I'm sorry that I probably have some theology wrong or something haha. I was just trying to empty my brain and heart into readable form! :)

I'm going to work on our next challenge tonight and post it, okay?!